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Latest News
Updated: May 1, 2010
I know it's been over a year since I've updated this page, but I figured I'd better let you all know I'm still alive and kicking. The new job has kept me on my toes, so obviously I haven't gotten around to re-doing this website like I've been saying I'll do for the past few years.

I'm actually waiting until I get the new version of Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 (and the accompanying ASP.NET 4.0 framework) before I get my hands dirty with the revamp. "But how will that make your site better?" you ask. I have no freaking clue. That's the beauty of learning, isn't it?

This summer I'm going to really bust out the SLR camera and start doing my own "stock photography" for the site. That's half the fun, although again, only if I make the time for it. Like I've said before, content is the main thing holding me back here, so I need to step it up.

I'm going to keep up my broken record skills and tell you I have no idea when this new site will be unleashed. Maybe in the summer. Maybe in 2011. Maybe 50 years from now, haha. It's in "medium priority" stage for the moment and will most likely stay there unless I can rack up some more "rainy days" to get this moving.

Enough of my excuses though. Feel free to look around at my outdatedly clichè site.
System Requirements
Updated: February 1, 2009
A warning to the legacy browser users who refuse to upgrade: Your days are numbered. When version 9.0 of this website is unleashed, the old browsers of ancient times will no longer be supported.

What I mean by that, however, is a matter of aesthetics. It does not mean my site will be inaccessable. Even if you use the very first browser created from the stone age, you will be greeted with plain old vanilla text on the site, completely legible, readable, and somewhat still useful. All I will be doing is killing off the style sheet so it doesn't look like a tornado came through here.

As long as you're using Internet Explorer 7.0+, Firefox 1.5+, Safari 1.3+, Netscape 8.0+, Chrome, Opera, iCab, AOL 8.0+, or any W3C-supported browser, you're in the clear and don't have to worry about any limitations.

And yes, for you people who insist on still using Internet Explorer 6.0, you're on the browser-dump list. I refuse to waste an extra 25-30% of my development time attempting to support one of the crappiest browsers known to man. If you're still using IE6, do all the worldly web developers a favor and upgrade, either to IE7 or another browser. If you refuse, then plain vanilla text for you! Many other developers have already pledged their unwillingness to support the browser, and I am soon happily joining them.

I did make a compromise on screen resolution. The site will dynamically expand in width, so no matter if you're using a 15" monitor with 800x600 resolution, or a 24" monitor with 1920x1200 resolution, the website will automatically adjust itself so it fills your browser window. See? I'm a nice person.
Site Status
Updated: May 1, 2010
Current Status: This version of the site is no longer being maintained. Production of the new site started November 2008 and is ongoing.

Updates: Status updates may take place at any time, although that's currently not likely until the new site renovation is introduced. In the meantime, I will keep bandaiding it as I see fit.
Closing Statement
Updated: May 1, 2010
Thanks for visiting. Ya know, when you really think about it, there isn't that much here as far as substance. You'd think I would take care of that, but with the new job and all, it's just so hard to update my pages and add new features like I used to. Strangely enough, my Mega Man and Anime Arena subsites (which I never update) still get a lot of old-time visitors, keeping the site alive. I do plan on adding extra sections by the next major update.

I have all these ideas and new pages I want to put up, but without an updatable system in place, it's really easy to just not care and let it go to abandonment. Must... break... the haitus... *sigh* Until then, have a good time looking around, if you see anything that happens to interest you.

Joey Kincer signatureSend all comments or questions to me by heading over to the contact page. Peace out.
©1997-2025 Joey Kincer. All Rights Reserved.
Joey's HomePage - Version 8.18 - Updated May 1, 2010