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ARCHIVED: Visit the 2005 Summer Roadtrip, full of blogs & pictures of visiting the lower 48 states

Page Statistics & F.A.Q. ?

Joey's HomePage
Version: 8.18    Date Modified: 5/1/2010

Q: What is the meaning of "kinless"?
Kinless was a handle I started using on AOL back in 1995. I took the "Kin" from my last name and added a "less" to it. No special reason. You could probably say this is how I plan my future to be: No next of kin, since I don't plan on having kids at the moment. Yeah I know that's lame, but once I choose a handle, it stays until I die. If I ever need a user name for a website or subscription, kinless is usually the name I'll use, as you may see this on certain bulletin boards and forums.

However, there is someone out there using the "Kinless" name, who seems to be an ademate WoW (World of Warcraft) player and blogger. No, ladies and gentlemen, that's not me. I'm not into the online gaming thing. So don't ask me anything about that game, or I'll redirect you to my geek friends. They can tell you plenty.

Q: What programs/standards do you use to make your page(s)?
When I first began coding back in 1997, I hated the thought of using a crap WYSIWYG editor because it always added a lot of unnecessary code. I started out using the popular text editor of BBEdit (Macintosh). Doing it all raw taught me how to use the HTML language. As I became more fluent with standard web programming, I began coding with Macromedia (now Adobe) Dreamweaver. To this day, I still hand-code all of my pages, and Dreamweaver is handy since it will autofill tags and values as I type. In the early 2000s, I used Active Server Page (ASP) technology and SQL Server 2000 to drive all the database content on my site. Then in 2006 I leapt to ASP.NET using the object-oriented language of C#. By the end of 2008, I switched to ASP.NET 3.5 and full CSS compliance using Visual Studio 2008. For 2010 I will be upgrading my software once again to Visual Studio 2010, Adobe Creative Suite CS5, and Microsoft Office 2010. It ain't easy to keep up!

Q: What's the whole point of Joey's HomePage?
My site is here merely for the sake of presence, entertainment (or lack thereof), and a general web portfolio. It's also here for people to explore and to see if they share the same interests. Most importantly, I consider it a breeding ground to learn and test new programming languages and web technology.

About Joey
Version: 6.17    Date Modified: 5/1/2010

Q: How old are those pics of you?
The headshots on my biography page were taken in Laguna Beach, CA, in the Summer of 2004. My good buddy Dean Peterson does some side photography work, so I gladly became one of his subjects. I got new headshots done in July 2009 (one is on the main homepage) so those will be going up along with the new website.

Résumé Source
Version: 2.17    Date Modified: 4/1/2010

Q: How can I get a hard copy of your résumé(s)?
As easy as File -> Print. I have given you 4 choices of each résumé, according to whatever format you are most familiar with. My Work and Theatre Résumés are no more than 2 pages each, but my Music Résumé spans several pages. (Not that there's ever a need to print that one out.)

The Dream Team List
Version: 4.17    Date Modified: 5/1/2010

Q: Exactly what IS this???
It's a list of celebrity women that (at the time) basically "got my attention." :) I began this list in Summer 1993 for some demented reason unknown to even myself. I'm sure that most (if not all) guys have a "list" of famous women they would love to meet, or whatever. I suppose this is my version. The two rules: They have to be known worldwide to qualify, and they must be at least 18 years of age. Since I completed the structure of 8 women, I've retired this list away to the archives.

Q: You're seeing a whole team of psychologists, right?
Hush up, you. Think that's bad? You should have seen all the lists I kept around when I was in High School, but I'm not even gonna go there. If you want to find out about my oddness when I was an adolescent, you can write me and ask.

Q: So does that mean you don't have any current celebrity crushes? Who would be added to your list if you still kept one today?
Oh goodness, I don't really know. The Hollywood industry has changed a lot so it's hard to pick truly genuine ones these days. It really has been a while since I've seen some celebrity hottie who's made me fall off my chair. Perhaps with my old age I'm getting more picky. Maybe I'll be surprised one day.

Video Game Collection
Version: 7.17    Date Modified: 5/1/2010

Q: Are any of your games for sale?
I get this one a lot, and basically the answer is NO. The reason these games are listed is for informational purposes only, and for people to browse if they feel like it. This is my "collection", therefore I would never sell any of it. If I ever talk about something being for sale (which most likely is never), it will be mentioned in the appropriate section. Any e-mails that ask if my games are for sale will be ignored.

Q: Do you want to buy (such'n'such a game) from me?
Only if it's on the WANT list, and it's BRAND NEW FACTORY SEALED. I will not buy secondhand anymore. Since my VG collection is now kept in check, I usually won't get behind like I used to. I'm looking for mostly boxes and manuals, as well as factory sealed copies of games that I once bought used a long time ago. If you have any of those you're willing to sell/give up, then e-mail me. But if you were smart, you'd just put them on eBay and make a windfall.

Q: Can I use your video game icons?
Sure. If you're using it for your own personal use, then do what you like. If you are using them on a website, I suggest you give proper credit, and do NOT claim them as your own. Other than that, feel free to spread them around and use them.

©1997-2025 Joey Kincer. All Rights Reserved.
Help Center - Version 2.17 - Updated May 5, 2010